
Ay! Back with another post that nobody’s gonna read cuz, you know, not many followers yet. Oh well, something for the archives, then.

First of all, I thank Dziey (pronounced as D-Z) for nominating me. Go check out her wonderful blog immediately.

So the rules are:
1. Post the award picture on your blog. ✔
2. Write a short paragraph about yourself and what your blog means to you.
3. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
4. Pick ten nominees.

About me:

Damn, do I even know myself? Let’s see, I’m just a regular guy who’s 17 (for just 2 months now). My hobbies include reading, writing stories and raps (if you can call them that). I used to dance during festivals when I was a kid, I realised this year, or rather started thinking, that I sing okay, so I sing when I’m happy or angry. I like all kinds of artists, bands, rappers, but I worship Eminem. J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter is the reason I started writing. Other likes include TFIOS, Paper Towns, Doctor Who, James Hadley Chase novels, Impractical Jokers, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, etc.

I want to be a writer, a successfully published author. That’s my ultimate dream. This blog is my first step towards accomplishing my dream. I just hope I get to write more after my 12th grade.

Spirit Animal:

I’d love to be a hawk (does a bird count?) because I’d love to be able to fly and to see problems coming from miles away.

My Nominations:

I won’t call them ‘nominations’ so much as a shout-out. I don’t have 10 because one blogger I would have nominated is the one who’s actually nominated me, and the others are already nominated. Here goes:

Nayana Nair
Love Women and Life

Of course, they don’t have to do this at all. Just go check out their amazing, amazing blogs.